Grandmaster Clues
250 QP
Level 90 in all skills
'Actual clues completed' - You have the clue drop on CL, you have run trips of the clues, and you have opened the caskets as followed:
Easy - 300
Medium - 250
Hard - 200
Elite - 150
Master - 100
Master clue scrolls can be created by Watson by using the /create item:Master clue quantity:[#]
command if you have the required lower-tier clue scrolls in your bank.
Clue Hunter Outfit - 2x speed
Zippy - 1/15 chance to double, chance of Beginner to Master caskets, UMB and TMB (stacks with global double)
Clue score - up to 10% at roughly 60 clues completed
Grandmaster Clues can be received from a wide range of content. The rates are not included here because they change often and vary greatly between sources. A list of common sources is as follows:
Kalphite King, Vasa Magus, Sea Kraken, Ignecarus, Nex, Malygos, QBD, Elder Birdhouses, Fishing, Woodcutting, Master Clue Caskets, and Item Contracts.
General Loot Table
The general loot table from Grandmaster Caskets consists of:
Small amounts of teak, mahogany, yew, magic and elder logs
Varying amounts and types of runes
Rune and dragon equipment
Mysterious Seeds
Air, Earth, Fire, and Water orbs
Normal, Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Steam and Lava battlestaves
Tradeable, Untradeable, Equippable, Pet and Holiday Mystery boxes
Barrows equipment
Tiny, Small, Average, Large Huge Lamps
Clue Scrolls (Beginner to Master)
Random Clue Scroll Loot (Hard to Master)
Super Restores and Saradomin Brew
Unique Loot Table
The Grandmaster loot system operates on rolls, of which there are 5-11 for each casket opened. Because of this, the drop rate varies based on the rolls you receive, so it will be represented as X.
Malygos and Ignecarus Masks (x/50)
Deathtouched Dart (x/4000)
Dyes (x/10000)
First Age Equipment (x/130000)
Dwarven Blessing (x/10000)
Clue Hunter (x/2500)
Blabberbeak (x/20000)
Ring of luck (x/8000)
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