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In BSO, there are many types of custom weapons and armour that have higher than usual stats or give bonuses to various skilling activities or bosses.
First Age equipment is obtained at a very rare rate from Grandmaster Caskets
First Age Bracelet
1% Overall XP Boost
First Age Ring
1% Overall XP Boost
First Age Amulet
1% Overall XP Boost
First Age Tiara
1% Overall XP Boost
First Age Cape
1% Overall XP Boost
Having the entire First Age set equipped gives the player an extra 1% boost, for a total of 6%.
The dwarven tools are smithed from Dwarven Bars
Dwarven Greataxe
2x Woodcutting speed
2x Wintertodt speed
Dwarven Pickaxe
2x Mining speed
Dwarven Gauntlets
2x Smelting speed
3x Cooking speed
Dwarven Greathammer
2x Smithing speed
2x Crafting speed
Dwarven Knife
2x Fletching speed
Note: To smith tools, you need 99 Smithing and Blacksmith Equipment
Dwarven Full Helm
Dwarven Platebody
Dwarven Platelegs
Dwarven Boots
Dwarven Gloves
Note: To smith equipment, you need 120 Smithing and Blacksmith Equipment
Currently only used at Ignecarus and Moktang.
These dwarven gear are unlike the previous in that they are not smithable from Dwarven bars and instead are rare drops.
Dwarven Warhammer: Rare drop from King Goldemar and provides a 40% PvM boost. Drops as a Broken Dwarven Warhammer and must be fixed, requiring 120 Smithing, Blacksmith's Outfit, and 3 Dwarven Bars.
Dwarven Blessing: Rare drop from Grandmaster Caskets and provides a 20% boost to PvM (25% with Amulet of Zealots). Consumes 1 Prayer Potion per 5 minutes of PvM (reduced by 40% with Prayer Master Cape).
Abyssal Cape - Provides an aura which reduces food consumption by 50%. Obtained from Malygos
The following items are obtained from Nex. These items all have very high bonuses in their respective style, Pernix - range, Torva - melee, and Virtus - magic.
Pernix: Cowl, Body, Chaps, Gloves, Boots, Zaryte Bow
Torva: Full Helm, Platebody, Platelegs, Gloves, Boots
Virtus: Hood, Rob Top, Robe Legs, Gloves, Boots, Wand Book
These items can also be upgraded (except for Virtus Wand and Book) using Gorajan Shards to make Gorajan Armour.
Additionally, the Zaryte Bow is also obtainable as a drop. It gives a 20% boost to Nex and is used in creating the Hellfire Bow.
Drygore weapons are a drop from the Kalphite King. Each type of weapon has a main hand and offhand pair which are the best-in-slot weapons for each respective melee style.
There is various gear that can be obtained from Dungeoneering.
The Clue Hunter outfit can be obtained as a rare drop from Grandmaster Caskets (see Misc). It is also obtainable from the Crack the Clue event. It gives a 2x speed boost to completing clues and increases Grandmaster Clue drop rate from Master caskets.
Helm of Raedwald
Clue Hunter Cloak
Clue Hunter Garb
Clue Hunter Trousers
Clue Hunter Boots
Clue Hunter Gloves
Dragonbone Equipment is an ornamental version of normal Dragon and Infinity equipment, and is created with Dragonbone Ornament Kits, which are an uncommon drop Queen Black Dragon.