Chambers of Xeric (CoX)
See the OSB wiki for general info.
The following items give a boost to your combat score. Only the highest available boost from each line will be applied.
All boosts work from the bank unless otherwise specified. Gorajan armour does not affect gear score.
Twisted bow (7%) OR Bow of faerdhinen (c) (6%) OR Dragon hunter crossbow (5%)
Dragon warhammer (3%) OR Bandos godsword (2.5%)
Drygore rapier (8%)* OR Dragon hunter lance (3%) OR Abyssal tentacle (2%)
Offhand drygore rapier (4%)*
Void staff (8%)** Sanguinesti staff (7%)
Chincannon (60% speed boost at cost of raid loot)***
* Must be equipped in melee setup
** Must be equipped in mage setup
*** Must be equipped in range setup
Degradeable item info
Abyssal Tentacle
Void Staff
Sanguinesti Staff
Reference Setups
See How does 'BiS gear' work? for an explanation on gear setups.
Stamina potion(4) - Solo = 2, Mass = 1
Saradomin brew(4) - At 0 KC 7, scaling to 1 with higher kc.
Super restore(4) - At 2 Kc 2, scaling to 1 with higher kc. (1/3 of brews needed rounded down)
Saradomin brew calculation : Max(1, 8 - Max(1, Ceiling((KC+1)/30))) Where Max means the highest number - this just ensures you always need at least 1 Ceiling is rounding up to the nearest whole number, i.e. 5.78 = 6, 2.01 = 3 Examples: 50 KC: 8-ceiling(50+1)/30) = 8-ceiling(1.7) = 8-2 = 6 500 KC: 8-ceiling(500+1)/30) = max(1, 8-(ceiling(16.7)) = max(1,-9) = 1
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